Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

WOW! This year has had its very own share of challenges and has taught me so many things. One is that I am extremely addicted to my computer and when it is down, boy, the withdrawals are no fun! I have had two significant events with my computer in the past three months along with my busiest season ever (of which I am so incredibly grateful)! I am so thankful to have a friend like Rod Oshel who can fix anything Microsoft and what a blessing he has been in my life this year! Without him I don't know what I would have done.

Check out my photo blog for some of my precious little clients from the past few months. Much more updating to come over there as well.

So needless to say this poor little blog has been feeling quite neglected in 2009 but I'm my plans are to show it much more love in 2010. Please stay tuned and don't leave me now! I haven't stopped documenting my precious children and hopefully soon I'll be able to share all of their wonderful adventures lately. Until next time, here is our family Christmas card this year. Merry Christmas everyone!

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