Friday, December 19, 2008

FBC Breakfast in Bethlehem

Katelyn's last day of school for the Christmas break was Monday. They had "Breakfast in Bethlehem". We all brought breakfast foods and the K4-5 class performed the Christmas story. After breakfast we went back to the classroom for some songs and opening of gifts. It was a fun day!

Here are a few of songs they sang for us - too cute not to share!!

"Let's Get This Day Started"

"The Wiggle Worm"

"Days of the Week"

Click on the thumbnail below for more images from the party.
FBC Breakfast in Bethlehem

Every time I visit Katelyn's class I am always so impressed with what they are learning. Thank you Mrs. Bamberg and Mrs. Edwards for all you do!!

1 comment:

Lauren W said...

Oh my goodness! That is the funniest video. And is that time stamp correct? Did you really write this at 4:30am?